LuciPac A3 Filter Assay

A portable system that is robust, sensitive and fast. (Customers within Europe only)
Product No: 60376

The LuciPac A3 Filter Assay kit is a portable solution giving you the capability to assess microbial loads in liquids in less than 5 minutes. Applications include contamination control of circulating cooling water in cooling towers, quality control of cleaning water, and contamination monitoring of industrial water and wastewater.

2 631 kr

More Details


The LuciPac A3 Filter Assay kit is a portable solution giving you the capability to assess microbial loads in liquids in less than 5 minutes. Applications include contamination control of circulating cooling water in cooling towers, quality control of cleaning water, and contamination monitoring of industrial water and wastewater. The kit includes syringes and filters, with which microorganisms are separated you’re your water sample matrices as well as concentrated. The kit also includes an extractant capable of releasing the “energy currency” molecules ATP, ADP and AMP, originating from said microorganisms. Finally, the kit includes LuciPac A3 Surface swabs which contain the biochemical reagents required to measure ATP+ADP+AMP (A3). The sensitivity of the kit is 104~108 CFU/mL (Depending on the sample).


Lumitester Smart

Assay Procedure

Assay Procedure

Product Characteristics

The LuciPac A3 Filter Assay kit is a portable system that is robust, sensitive and fast. It is robust because its unique feature of not only measuring ATP but also its degradation products, namely ADP and AMP. This is important as ATP is often rapidly degraded to the beforementioned degradation products through enzymatic processes (in the biological residue) and/or heat. Only measuring ATP can result in severely underestimate the level of microorganisms and erroneously proceed operations as a result of a false negative. The filtering procedure also contributes to the robustness by means of mitigating the potential of false negatives because of inhibitory sample matrices. Product Name: LuciPac A3 Filter Assay Product Code: 60376 Description: Filter assay with releasing reagent and luminescent reagent Composistion: LuciPac A3 Surface 1 bag (20 tests) Releasing reagent FA 1 bottle (10mL) Syringe 20 pcs Filter 20 pcs Filter Assay Stand 1pc Quick Manual (EN-JA) Storage: 2-8 ℃ (Do not freeze) Expiry: 15 months after manufacturing date 25℃: 14 days (Unopened) 30℃: 5 days (Unopened) Selective concentration of microorganisms on filter Microorganisms contain ATP+ADP+AMP (A3) and these are trapped on the filter while the sample matrix (everything else in the liquid sample) passes through the filter. This concentrates the microorganisms and mitigates the potential effect of sample matrix measurement interference. The LuciPac A3 Surface is certified: AOAC RI PTM Certification Acquired (License No. 051901)


Bakke and Suzuki (2018) Journal of Food Protection, 81, 729-737