ATP Hygiene Kit HS
For hygiene control of surfaces and liquids
The ATP Hygiene Kit HS is suitable for hygiene control of surfaces and liquids (e.g. rinsing water). Practical dropper bottles makes the kit easy-to-use, even for personel not used to handling pipettes. ATP measurement is an excellent way of controlling hygiene, as ATP is found in food residues and other biological dirt as well as living cells. Even though a surface might be sterile (sterile=no bacteria are present) there might still be food residues left after cleaning. Such residues maks an excellent environment for airborne bacteria to grow and in a few hours the surface will no longer be sterile. With the ATP Hygiene Kit HS you can determine not only how many living organisms are present, but also the amount of biological dirt.
2 206 kr
More Details
The kit is intended for determination of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) on surfaces or in liquids. All living cells contain ATP. When cells die of natural causes, ATP is normally degraded. Most foodstuffs contain ATP at a level corresponding to the number of living cells in the foodstuff. Cleaning and disinfecting food processing equipment will leave small amounts of food residues containing ATP (partly within and partly outside cells). Such residues will provide an excellent growth medium for airborne or other microorganisms.
Even if the equipment is sterile after cleaning and disinfecting, it may therefore contain large numbers of microorganisms within a few hours. Determination of ATP in e.g. the last rinsing water will tell how much food residue and the number of microorganisms were left after cleaning and disinfecting. It is possible to concentrate the sample by microfiltration to obtain a lower detection limit and to remove non-cellular ATP (cf. Procedural notes)
Any luminometer that takes single test tubes can be used.
Assay Procedure
Detailed described procedures are found in the “Instructions for Use”, which is included with every kit.
Product Characteristics
Number assays:
The kit contains reagents for 100 tests.
Detection limit:
The detection limit of the reagent is 10*10-18 mol ATP with a sensitive luminometer.