BioThema-related references include the publications of Dr. Arne Lundin, Founder of BioThema AB, focusing on applications of the firefly luciferase reaction and related topics. These references are arranged chronologically.
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Published by BioThema
Thore, A., Ånséhn, S., Lundin, A. and Bergman, S. (1975) Detection of bacteriuria by luciferase assay of adenosine triphosphate. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1, 1-8.
Lundin, A. and Thore, A. (1975) Comparison of methods for extraction of bacterial adenine nucleotides determined by firefly assay. Appl. Microbiol. 30, 713-721.
Lundin, A. and Thore, A. (1975) Analytical information obtainable by evaluation of the time course of firefly bioluminescence in the assay of ATP. Anal. Biochem. 66, 47-63.
Lundin, A., Rickardsson, A. and Thore, A. (1976) Continuous monitoring of ATP-converting reactions by purified firefly luciferase. Anal. Biochem. 75, 611-620.
Ånséhn, S., Granström, S., Höjer, H., Nilsson, L., Åkesson, E., Lundin, A. and Thore, A. (1976) In-vitro effects on Candida albicans of Amphotericin B combined with other antibiotics. Scand. J. Infect. Dis., Suppl. 9, 62-66.
Lundin, A., Rickardsson, A. and Thore, A. (1977) Substrate and enzyme determinations by continuously monitoring the ATP level by a purified luciferase reagent. Proceedings: 2nd Bi-annual ATP Methodology Symposium, March 22-24, 1977 (G. Borun, Ed.), pp. 205-218, SAI Technology Company, A Division of Science Applications, Inc., San Diego, Cal.
Lundin, A., Thore, A. and Baltscheffsky, M. (1977) Sensitive measurement of flash induced photophosphorylation in bacterial chromatophores by firefly luciferase. FEBS Lett. 79, 73-76.
Lundin, A. and Styrélius, I. (1978) Sensitive assay of creatine kinase isoenzymes in human serum using M subunit inhibiting antibody and firefly luciferase. Clin. Chim. Acta 87, 199-209.
Lundin, A. and Baltscheffsky, M. (1978) Measurement of photophosphorylation and ATP-ase using purified firefly luciferase. Methods in Enzymology, 57, 50-56.
Lundin, A. (1978) Determination of creatine kinase isoenzymes in human serum by an immunological method using purified firefly luciferase. Methods in Enzymology, 57, 56-65.
Lundin, A., Baltscheffsky, M and Höijer, B. (1979) Continuous monitoring of ATP in photophosphorylating systems by firefly luciferase. Proceedings: International Symposium on Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, pp. 339-349, State Printing & Publishing, Inc., Westlake Village, Cal.
Ånséhn, S., Lundin, A., Nilsson, L. and Thore, A. (1979) Detection of bacteriuria by a simplified luciferase assay of ATP. Proceedings: International Symposium on Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, pp. 438-445, State Printing & Publishing, Inc., Westlake Village, Cal.
Lundin, A., Lindberg, K., Nordlander, R., Nyquist, O. and Styrélius, I. (1979) Determination of creatine kinase B-subunit activity by continuous monitoring of ATP: A new bioluminescent technique applied in clinical chemistry. Proceedings: International Symposium on Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, pp. 467-478, State Printing & Publishing, Inc., Westlake Village, Cal.
Lundin, A., Karnell Lundin, U. and Baltscheffsky, M. (1979) Adenylate kinase activity associated with coupling factor ATPase in Rhodospirillum rubrum. Acta Chem. Scand. B33, 608-609.
Baltscheffsky, M. and Lundin, A. (1979) Flash-induced increase of ATPase activity in Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. In Cation Flux Across Membranes (Y. Mukohaka and L. Packer, Eds.), pp. 209-218, Academic Press, New York.
Lundin, A., Gerhardt, W., Lindberg, K., Lövgren, T., Nordlander, R., Nyquist, O. and Styrélius, I. (1979) Determination of creatine kinase B-subunit activity by continuous monitoring of ATP- A new bioluminescent technique applied to clinical chemistry. Clin. Biochem. 12, 214-215 also published in Progress in Clinical Enzymology (Goldberg and Werner, Eds.), pp. 57-59, Masson Publishing USA, Inc. (1980).
Lövgren, T. and Lundin, A. (1980) Bioluminescence ATP monitoring as a method for the determination of total creatine kinase and creatine kinase B-subunit activity in human serum. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 301, 149-150.
Lindberg, K., Lundin, A., Nordlander, R., Nyquist, O and Styrélius, I. (1980) Detection of acute myocardial infarction by a new sensitive and rapid method for determination of creatine kinase B-subunit activity. Eur. Heart J. 1, 327.333.
Lundin, A. (1981) Applications of firefly luminescence. In Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Basic Chemistry and Analytical Applications (M. DeLuca and W. McElroy, Eds.), pp. 187-196, Academic Press, New York.
Lundin, A., Myhrman, A. and Linfors, G. (1981) Purification of firefly luciferase by ammonium sulphate precipitation and isoelectric focusing. In Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Basic Chemistry and Analytical Applications (M. DeLuca and W. McElroy, Eds.), pp. 453-465, Academic Press, New York.
Lundin, A. (1982) Applications of firefly luciferase. In Luminescent Assays: Perspectives in Endocrinology and Clinical Chemistry (M. Serio and M. Pazzagli, Eds.), pp. 29-45, Raven Press, New York.
Lundin, A. Jäderlund, B. and Lövgren, T. (1982) Optimized bioluminescence assay of creatine kinase and creatine kinase B-subunit activity. Clin. Chem. 28, 609-614.
Lundin, A. (1982) Analytical applications of bioluminescence: The firefly system. In Clinical and Biochemical Luminescence (L. Kricka and T. Carter, Eds.), pp. 43-74, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Baltscheffsky, M. and Lundin, A. (1982) Photophosphorylation after single turnover light flashes in chromatophores from Rhodospirillum rubrum. In Cyclotrons to Cytochromes (N. Kaplan, Ed.), pp. 347-354, Academic Press, New York.
Thore, A., Lundin, A. and Ånséhn, S. (1983) Firefly luciferase ATP assay as a screening method for bacteriuria. J. Clin. Microbiol. 17, 218-224.
Lundin, A., Hallander, H., Kallner, A., Karnell Lundin, U., Österberg, E. (1984) Luminometric detection of bacteriuria in primary health care. In Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (L. Kricka, P. Stanley, G. Thorpe and T. Whitehead, Eds.), p. 71, Academic Press, New York.
Lundin, A. (1984) Extraction and automatic luminometric assay of ATP, ADP and AMP. In Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (L. Kricka, P. Stanley, G. Thorpe and T. Whitehead, Eds.), p. 491-501, Academic Press, New York.
Lundin, A., Hellmér, J. and Arner, P. (1984) Automatic luminometric assay of glycerol for studies on lipolysis. In Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (L. Kricka, P. Stanley, G. Thorpe and T. Whitehead, Eds.), p. 545-552, Academic Press, New York.
Lundin, A., Andersson, I., Nilsson, H. and Sundwall, A. (1984) Automatic luminometric assay of choline and acetylcholine. In Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (L. Kricka, P. Stanley, G. Thorpe and T. Whitehead, Eds.), p. 585, Academic Press, New York.
Lundin, A., Hallander, H., Kallner, A., Karnell Lundin, U. and Österberg, E. (1984) Bacteriuria detection in an outpatient setting: Comparison of several methods including an improved assay of bacterial ATP. In Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology and Immunology (K. -O. Habermehl, Ed.), pp. 455-460, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Hasenson, M., Hartley-Asp, B., Kihlfors, C., Lundin, A. Gustafsson, J. -Å. and Pousette, Å. (1985) Effects of hormones on growth and ATP content of a human prostatic carcinoma cell line, LNCaP-r. The Prostate 7, 183-194.
Nyrén, P. and Lundin, A. (1985) Enzymatic method for continuous monitoring of inorganic pyrophosphate synthesis. Anal. Biochem. 151, 504-509.
Ludwicka, A., Switalski, L., Lundin, A., Pulverer, G. and Wadström, T. (1985) Bioluminescent assay for measurement of bacterial attachment to polyethylene. J. Microbiol. Meth. 4, 169-177.
Scheuerbrandt, G., Lundin, A., Lövgren, T. and Mortier, W. (1986) Screening for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: An improved screening test for creatine kinase and its application in an infant screening program. Muscle & Nerve 9, 11-23.
Hallander, H., Kallner, A., Lundin, A. and Österberg, E. (1986) Evaluation of rapid methods for the detection of bacteriuria (screening) in primary health care. Acta Path. Microbiol. Immunol. Scand. Sect. B, 94, 39-49.
Lundin, A., Hasenson, M., Persson, J. and Pousette, Å. (1986) Estimation of biomass in growing cell lines by adenosine triphosphate assay. Methods in Enzymology 133, 27-42.
Pousette, Å., Åkerlöf, E., Lundin, A., Rosenborg, L. and Fredricsson, B. (1986) On the use of adenosine triphosphate for estimation of motility and energy status in human spermatozoa. Int. J. Androl. 9, 331-340.
Lundin, A. and Hallander, L. (1987) Mechanisms of horseradish peroxidase catalysed luminol reaction in presence and absence of various enhancers. In Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: New Perspectives (J. Schölmerich, R. Andreesen, A. Kapp, M. Ernst and W. G. Wood, Eds.), pp. 555-558, John Wiley Sons, Chichester.
Blomqvist, I., Lundin, A., Nordberg, A. and Sundwall, A. (1987) Development of an automatic luminometric assay of choline and acetylcholine for studying acetylcholine metabolism in brain tissue in vitro. In Cellular and Molecular Basis of Cholinergic Function (M. Dowdall and J. Hawthorne, Eds.), pp. 368-378, Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester.
Åkerlöf, E., Fredricsson, B., Gustafsson, O., Lundin, A., Lunell, N. O., Nylund, L., Rosenborg, L. and Pousette, Å. (1987) Comparison between a swim up and a Percoll gradient technique for separation of human spermatozoa. Int. J. Androl. 10, 663-669.
Kurkijärvi, K., Turunen, P., Heinonen, T., Kolhinen, O., Raunio, R., Lundin, A. and Lövgren, T. (1988) Flow-injection analysis with immobilized chemiluminescent and bioluminescent columns. Methods in Enzymology, 137,171-181.
Arner, P., Bolinder, J., Eliasson, A., Lundin, A. and Ungerstedt, U. (1988) Microdialysis of adipose tissue and blood for in vivo lipolysis studies. Am. J. Physiol. 255 (Endocrinol. Metab. 18), E737-E742.
Lundin, A., Arner, P. and Hellmér, J. (1989) A new linear plot for standard curves in kinetic substrate assays extended above the Michaelis-Menten constant: Application to a luminometric assay of glycerol. Anal. Biochem. 177, 125-131.
Hellmér, J., Arner, P. and Lundin, A. (1989) Automatic luminometric kinetic assay of glycerol for lipolysis studies. Anal. Biochem. 177, 132-137.
Näslund, B., Bernström, K., Lundin, A. and Arner, P. (1989) Free fatty acid determination by peroxidase catalysed luminol chemiluminescence. J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 3, 115-124.
Lundin, A., Hallander, H., Kallner, A., Karnell Lundin, U. and Österberg, E. (1989) Bacteriuria testing by the ATP method as an integral part in the diagnosis and therapy of urinary tract infection (UTI). J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 4, 381-389.
Gästrin, B., Gustafsson, R. and Lundin, A. (1989) Evaluation of a bioluminescence assay for detection of bacteriuria. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 21, 409-414.
Lundin, A. (1989) ATP assays in routine microbiology: From visions to realities in the 1980s. The Society for Applied Bacteriology Technical Series No. 26: ATP Luminescence Rapid Methods in Microbiology (P. E. Stanley, B. J. McCarthy and R. Smither, Eds.), pp. 11-30, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, U. K..
Wibom, R., Lundin, A. and Hultman, E. (1990) A sensitive method for measuring ATP-formation in rat muscle mitochondria. Scand. J. Clin. Invest 50, 143-152.
Österberg, E., Åberg, H., Hallander, H., Kallner, A. and Lundin, A. (1990) Efficacy of single-dose versus seven-day trimethoprim treatment of cystitis in women. A randomized double-blind study. J. Infect. Dis. 161, 942-947.
Österberg, E., H., Hallander, H., Kallner, A., Lundin, A., Svensson, S. B. and Åberg, H. (1990) Female urinary tract infection in primary health care: Bacteriological and clinical characteristics. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 22, 477-484.
Näslund, B., Arner, P., Bolinder,J.,Hallander, L. and Lundin, A. (1991) Glucose determination in samples taken by microdialysis by peroxidase-catalyzed luminol chemiluminescence. Anal. Biochem. 192, 237-242.
Wibom, R., Söderlund, K., Lundin, A. and Hultman, E. (1991) A luminometric method for the determination of ATP and phosphocreatine in single human skeletal muscle fibres. J. Biolum. Chemilum. 6, 123-129.
Österberg, E., H., Hallander, H., Kallner, A., Lundin, A. and Åberg, H. (1991) Evaluation of the bacterial adenosine triphosphate concentration for routine management of female urinary tract infection in primary health care. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. 10, 70-73.
Näslund, B., Arner, P., Bernström, K., Bolinder, J., Hallander, L., and Lundin, A. (1991) Assays of free fatty acids and glucose by horseradish peroxidase catalysed luminol reaction. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescense: Current Status (Stanley, P. E. and Kricka, L. J., Eds.), pp. 385-388, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Lundin, A., Wibom, R., Söderlund, K. and Hultman, E. (1991) Luminometric ATP monitoring of oxidative phosphorylation and energy metabolites in needle biopsies from skeletal muscle. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescense: Current Status (Stanley, P. E. and Kricka, L. J., Eds.), pp. 413-416, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Wibom, R., Söderlund, K., Lundin, A, Hultman, E. (1991) A luminometric method for the determination of ATP and phosphocreatine in single human skeletal muscle fibres. J. Biolumin. Chemilumin. Apr-Jun 1991;6(2):123-9
Lundin, A. (1993) Optimised assay of firefly luciferase with stable light emission. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Szalay, A., Kricka, L. J. and Stanley, P., Eds.), pp. 291-295, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Näslund, B., Bernström, K., Lundin, A. and Arner, P. (1993) Release of small amounts of free fatty acids from human adipocytes as determined by chemiluminescence. J Lipid Res 34.633-641
Rhedin, A.-S., Tidefelt, U., Jönsson, K., Lundin, A. and Paul, C. (1993) Comparison of a bioluminescent assay with differential staining cytotoxicity for cytostatic drug testing in vitro in human leukemic cells. Leukemia Res. 17, 271-276.
Lundin, A., Anson, J. and Kau, P. (1994) ATP extractants neutralised by cyclodextrins. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Campbell, A. K., Kricka, L. J. and Stanley, P. E., Eds.), pp. 399-402, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Hoffner, S. E., Jimenez-Misas, C. A. and Lundin, A. (1994) Improved extraction of mycobacterial ATP. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Campbell, A. K., Kricka, L. J. and Stanley, P. E., Eds.), pp. 442-445, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Lundin, A. (1997) Techniques related to accuracy of luminometric ATP measurements. In: A Practical Guide to Industrial Uses of ATP-Luminescence in Rapid Microbiology (Stanley, P. E., Smither, R. and Simpson, W. J., Eds.), pp. 55-62, Cara Technology Ltd, Lingfield, Surrey.
Anderstam, B., Gutierrez, A., Lundin, A. and Alvestrand, A. (1998) A luminometric assay for determination of ethanol in microdialysates.Scand J Clin Lab Invest 58, 89-96.
Näslund, B., Ståhle, L., Lundin, A., Anderstam, B., Arner, P. and Bergström, J. (1998) Luminometric single step urea assay using ATP-hydrolyzing urease. Clin. Chem. 44,1964-1973.
Hoffner, S., Jimenez-Misas, C. and Lundin, A. (1999) Improved extraction and assay of mycobacterial ATP for rapid drug susceptibility testing. Luminescence 14, 255-261.
Lundin, A. (2000) Use of Firefly Luciferase in ATP-Related Assays of Biomass, Enzymes, and Metabolites. Methods in Enzymology, 305, 346-370.
Lundin, A. and Elväng, A. (2005) Overview of new analytical tools for bioluminescent biomass estimation. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Progress and Perspectives - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium (Eds. Akio Tsuji, , Philip E Stanley, , Larry J Kricka, , Masako Maeda, , and Masakatsu Matsumoto), pp. 425-428, World Scientific Publishing Company
Lundin, A. and Eriksson, J. (2008) A Real-Time Bioluminescent HTS Method for Measuring Protein Kinase Activity Influenced Neither by ATP Concentration Nor by Luciferase Inhibition. Assay and Drug Development Technologies. 6, 531-541.
Lundin, A, Inglis, R. and Touma, (2010) Certified ATP Standard. Luminescence 25: 159-161.
Guardigli, M., Lundin, A. and Roda, A. (2011) ”Classical” applications of chemiluminescence and bioluminescence. In: Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence: Past, present and future (Roda, A., Ed.), pp. 162-190, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
Lundin, A., Malm, B. and Touma, N. (2012) Comparison of purity and activity of D-luciferin from 8 manufacturers. Luminescence 27: 136-137.
El-Sayed, R., Eita, M., Barrefelt, Å., Ye, F., Jain, H., Fares, M., Lundin, A., Crona, M., Abu-Salah, K., Muhammed, M., and Hassan, M. Thermostable Luciferase from Luciola cruciate for Imaging of Carbon Nanotubes and Carbon Nanotubes Carrying Doxorubicin Using in Vivo Imaging System. (2013) Nano Lett. 13, 1393−1398
Lundin A. (2014) Optimization of the firefly luciferase reaction for analytical purposes. Adv. Biochem. Engin./Biotechnol. 2014; 145:31-62
Pavankumar, A., Zelenin, S., Lundin, A., Schulte, T., Rajarathinam, K., Rebellato, P., Ardabili, S., Salas, J., Achour, A., and Russom, A. (2018) Bioanalytical advantages of a novel recombinant apyrase enzyme in ATP-based bioluminescence methods. Analytica Chimica Acta 1025, 118-123
Rodin, S., Rebellato, P., Lundin, A. and Zubarev, R. (2018) Isotopic resonance at 370 ppm deuterium negatively affects kinetics of luciferin oxidation by luciferase. Scientific Reports 8:16249
Opassi G, Nordström H, Lundin A, et al. Establishing Trypanosoma cruzi farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase as a viable target for biosensor driven fragment-based lead discovery. Protein Science. 2020; 29: 977-989.
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Reporter gene assay
Alexander, G., Carlsen, H., and Blomhoff, R. (2003) Strong in vivo activation of NF-kappaB in mouse lenses by classic stressors. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 44, 2683-2688.
Andersson, M. L., and Vennstrom, B. (2000) A choice between transcriptional enhancement and repression by the v-erbA oncoprotein governed by one nucleotide in a thyroid hormone responsive half site. Oncogene, 19, 3563-3569.
Bergman, A., Laudon, H., Winblad, B., Lundkvist, J., and Naslund, J. (2004) The extreme C terminus of presenilin 1 is essential for gamma-secretase complex assembly and activity. J Biol Chem, 279, 45564-45572.
Bladh, L. G., Liden, J., Dahlman-Wright, K., Reimers, M., Nilsson, S., and Okret, S. (2005) Identification of endogenous glucocorticoid repressed genes differentially regulated by a glucocorticoid receptor mutant able to separate between nuclear factor-kappaB and activator protein-1 repression. Mol Pharmacol, 67, 815-826.
Bleeker, W.K., Munk, M.E., Mackus, W.J.M., van den Brakel, J.H.N., Pluyter, M., Glennie, M.J., van den Winkel, J.G.J. and parren, P.W.H.I. (2007) Estimation of dose requirements for sustained in vivo activity of a therapeutic human anti-CD20 antibody. British Journal of Haematology. 140, 303-312.
Cai, W., Rambaud, J., Teboul, M., Masse, I., Benoit, G., Gustafsson, J-Å., Delaunay, F., Laudet, V. and Pongratz, I. (2007) Expression levels of estrogen receptor ß are modulated by components of the molecular clock. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 28, 784-793.
Carlsen, H., Moskaug, J. O., Fromm, S. H., and Blomhoff, R. (2002) In vivo imaging of NF-kappa B activity. J Immunol, 168, 1441-1446.
Carlsen, H., Myhrstad, M. C., Thoresen, M., Moskaug, J. O., and Blomhoff, R. (2003) Berry intake increases the activity of the gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase promoter in transgenic reporter mice. J Nutr, 133, 2137-2140.
Damdimopoulos, A. E., Miranda-Vizuete, A., Treuter, E., Gustafsson, J. A., and Spyrou, G. (2004) An alternative splicing variant of the selenoprotein thioredoxin reductase is a modulator of estrogen signaling. J Biol Chem, 279, 38721-38729.
Damdimopoulos, A.E., Spyrou, G. and Gustafsson, J-Å. (2008) Ligands differentially modify the nuclear mobility of estrogen receptors a and ß.Endocrinology. 149, 339-345.
Dufer, M., Krippeit-Drews, P., Lembert, N., Idahl, L. A., and Drews, G. (2001) Diabetogenic effect of cyclosporin A is mediated by interference with mitochondrial function of pancreatic B-cells. Mol Pharmacol, 60, 873-879.
Eriksson, J., Karamohamed, S., and Nyren, P. (2001) Method for real-time detection of inorganic pyrophosphatase activity. Anal Biochem, 293, 67-70.
Eriksson, J., Nordstrom, T., and Nyren, P. (2003) Method enabling firefly luciferase-based bioluminometric assays at elevated temperatures. Anal Biochem, 314, 158-161.
Eriksson, J., Gharizadeh, B., Nordstrom, T., and Nyren, P. (2004) Pyrosequencing trade mark technology at elevated temperature. Electrophoresis, 25, 20-27.
Fenne, I.S., Hoang, T., Haugild, M., Vegard Sagen, J., Lien, E.A. and Mellgren, G. (2008) Recruitment of coactivator glucocortid receptor interacting protein 1 to an estrogen receptor transcription complex is regulated by the 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine 5′-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase. Endocrinology. 149(9), 4336-4345.
Gharizadeh, B., Kalantari, M., Garcia, C. A., Johansson, B., and Nyren, P. (2001) Typing of human papillomavirus by pyrosequencing. Lab Invest, 81, 673-679.
Gradin, K., Toftgard, R., Poellinger, L., and Berghard, A. (1999) Repression of dioxin signal transduction in fibroblasts. Identification Of a putative repressor associated with Arnt. J Biol Chem, 274, 13511-13518.
Gradin, K., Whitelaw, M. L., Toftgard, R., Poellinger, L., and Berghard, A. (1994) A tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway regulates ligand-dependent activation of the dioxin receptor in human keratinocytes. J Biol Chem, 269, 23800-23807.
Gradin, K., Wilhelmsson, A., Poellinger, L., and Berghard, A. (1993) Lembert, N., and Idahl, L. A. (1998) Alpha-ketoisocaproate is not a true substrate for ATP production by pancreatic beta-cell mitochondria. Diabetes, 47, 339-344.
Gao, H., Bryzgalova, G., Hedman, E., Khan, A., Efendic, S., Gustafsson, J. A., and Dahlman-Wright, K. (2006) Long-term administration of estradiol decreases expression of hepatic lipogenic genes and improves insulin sensitivity in ob/ob mice: a possible mechanism is through direct regulation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. Mol Endocrinol, 20, 1287-1299.
Hoang, T., Fenne, I. S., Cook, C., Borud, B., Bakke, M., Lien, E. A., and Mellgren, G. (2004) cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulates ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated degradation and subcellular localization of the nuclear receptor coactivator GRIP1. J Biol Chem, 279, 49120-49130.
Hoivik, E.A., Aumo, L., Aesoy, R., Lillefosse, H., Lewis, A.E., Perrett, R.M., Stallings, N.R., Hanley, N.A. and Bakke, M. (2008) Deoxyribonucleic acid methylation controls cell type-specific expression of steroidogenic factor 1. Endocrinology. 149, 5599-5609.
Jarvis, G. E., Atkinson, B. T., Frampton, J., and Watson, S. P. (2003) Thrombin-induced conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin results in rapid platelet trapping which is not dependent on platelet activation or GPIb. Br J Pharmacol, 138, 574-583.
Kilipi, M.K., Atosuo, J.T., and Lilius, E-M.E. (2009) Bacteriolytic activity of the alternative pathway of complement differs kinetically from the classical pathway. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 33, 10: 1102-1110.
Laudon, H., Hansson, E. M., Melen, K., Bergman, A., Farmery, M. R., Winblad, B., Lendahl, U., von Heijne, G., and Naslund, J. (2005) A nine-transmembrane domain topology for presenilin 1. J Biol Chem, 280, 35352-35360.
Laudon, H., Karlstrom, H., Mathews, P. M., Farmery, M. R., Gandy, S. E., Lundkvist, J., Lendahl, U., and Naslund, J. (2004) Functional domains in presenilin 1: the Tyr-288 residue controls gamma-secretase activity and endoproteolysis. J Biol Chem, 279, 23925-23932.
Laudon, H., Mathews, P. M., Karlstrom, H., Bergman, A., Farmery, M. R., Nixon, R. A., Winblad, B., Gandy, S. E., Lendahl, U., Lundkvist, J., and Naslund, J. (2004) Co-expressed presenilin 1 NTF and CTF form functional gamma-secretase complexes in cells devoid of full-length protein. J Neurochem, 89, 44-53.
Lewis, A.E., Rusten, M., Hoivik, E.A., Vikse, E.L., Hansson, M.L, Wallberg, A.E., and Bakke, M. (2008) Phosphorylation of steroidogenic factor 1 is mediated by cyclin-dependent kinase 7. Mol. End.,22, 91-104.
Matthews, J., Wihlen, B., Thomsen, J., and Gustafsson, J. A. (2005) Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated transcription: ligand-dependent recruitment of estrogen receptor alpha to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-responsive promoters. Mol Cell Biol, 25, 5317-5328.
Ostberg, T., Svensson, S., Selen, G., Uppenberg, J., Thor, M., Sundbom, M., Sydow-Backman, M., Gustavsson, A. L., and Jendeberg, L. (2004) A new class of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists with a novel binding epitope shows antidiabetic effects. J Biol Chem, 279, 41124-41130.
Osterlund, T., Everman, D. B., Betz, R. C., Mosca, M., Nothen, M. M., Schwartz, C. E., Zaphiropoulos, P. G., and Toftgard, R. (2004) The FU gene and its possible protein isoforms. BMC Genomics, 5, 49.
Peters, A. K., Nijmeijer, S., Gradin, K., Backlund, M., Bergman, A., Poellinger, L., Denison, M. S., and Van den Berg, M. (2006) Interactions of polybrominated diphenyl ethers with the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway. Toxicol Sci, 92, 133-142.
Rahnama, F., Toftgard, R., and Zaphiropoulos, P. G. (2004) Distinct roles of PTCH2 splice variants in Hedgehog signalling. Biochem J, 378, 325-334.
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