ATP Standard 10 nM

10 nM, 6,7 mL Calibration of ATP assays with standard addition
Product No: 48-072

ATP standard makes i possible to express ATP measurements in moles rather than RLU.
ATP Standard 10 nM is diluted in Extractant B/S and is used in hygiene control assays. The ATP Standard is stable in liquid form and certified by the Swedish Standards Institute.

200 kr

More Details


ATP Standard 10 nM is diluted in Extractant B/S and is used in hygiene control assays. The ATP Standard is stable in liquid form and certified by the Swedish Standards Institute.

ATP measurements are like most measurements subjects to inhibition and other variables. These parameters could be known or unfamiliar to the user and their significance may vary between measurements.

The RLU output from the same amount of ATP will vary with temperatur, pH, ATP reagents, different Luminumeters and very often with the sample matrix.

Calibration with ATP standard addition (i.e know amount of ATP) accounts for:
- Variations between luminometers, pH and temperature
- Inhibition or quenching of light from the sample
- Differences in the sensitivity of reagents

As a result the the usage of ATP standard makes it possible to convert the RLU result of your sample to amounts of ATP (pmol). The ATP Standard is delivered as a stable solution of known concentration. The method is very easy and rapid. Immediately after you take the light reading from your sample, just add the ATP standard to your sample and measure the light emitted. The amount of ATP in your sample can be simply calculated as follows:

ATP smp = 1 x I smp / ( I smp + std – I smp )

I smp is the light emission from the sample I smp + std is the light emission from the sample plus ATP standard The factor 1 is the amount of ATP Standard added (i.e. 1 pmol).

Instructions on the use of the ATP Standard accompany each assay kit.

Product Characteristics

Delivery form:
Single reagent

Number of assays:
6,7 mL allows up to approx. 220 assays.

At +4 °C or lower.

Shelf life:
2 years from date of delivery at +4 °C.