In biochemistry, molecular biology and biology there is a need to measure cells, enzymes, metabolites and DNA/RNA. The luc gene coding for firefly luciferase is a reliable in vivo or in vitro reporter gene. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) participates in a large number of these reactions. Using the firefly luciferase reaction emitting a light proportional to the ATP concentration makes it possible to follow the reactions in a simple and highly sensitive way. Calibration of the assays with our certified liquid-stable ATP standard provides robust and reliable results.

Please have a look at the application listing below to navigate to the product that matches your need.


  • Enzyme assays and metabolite assays
    Measurements can be used in fundamental and applied research, in pharma and biotech HTS, in the diagnosis of diseases
  • Rapid cell counting
    Counting of microbial or other types of cells and monitoring of cell proliferation or cytotoxicity in fundamental and applied research, in pharma and biotech HTS, in bacteriological control of water, beverages and food, in human and veterinary diagnosis of diseases, in environmental control, in process control
  • Immunoassay
    Luciferase or an ATP producing enzyme can be used as a very sensitive label in immunoassays.
  • Reporter gene assays and in vivo imaging
    The luc gene is a widely used reporter gene and can be measured both in vitro and in vivo. The luc gene is attached to another gene of interest and the expression of this gene can then be monitored simply and with high sensitivity by measuring the light emitted. Whole living animals and plants can be studied in two or three dimensions by in vivo imaging.